Donnerstag, 19. April 2012

Fourth And Fifth Lesson

The topic of the fourth and fifth lesson was "Old times". In this lesson we wanted to show the pupils how the time was in which the old people grew up. The pupils had to prepare a presentation in groups of three about different periods. The first group about the 20s, the second group about the time during the Second World War, the third group about the postwar time and the beginning of the soviet time and the focus of the researches should be information about the life during these times. How was the economical situation? Did the people have enough food and money? How was the daily life? Which clothes and which music was modern? They should put their focus on the agegroup of the old people during their period. Most of them were born in the 20s or 30s, they spent their childhood during the second world war and their time as a working adult, maybe with a family, was during the Sowjet Union.
For the presentation they worked with PowerPoint and searched also for pictures, videos and interviews.
In the fifth lesson the groups showed their presentations in front of the class and shared information, pictures and some musicvideos.
After this we spoke about the diffrence between the life today and the life in which the old people grown up. And some of the pupil started to understand why the old people so often don't understand the life today  and why they have problems to accommodate in our world.

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